AND "a poor picture of our district haha and then me by griffith observatory"
Dallon sent the following letter and picture
Glad to hear all is going well back home. Sounds like everyone is
having a good time. We had an interesting week, although you will have
to bear with me as I don't have my planner to remind me of all the
stuff we did. On Monday we didn't actually get to go to the Hollywood
sign because those missionaries who said it was re opened were wrong.
So we hiked around the Griffith observatory instead. Our week was full
of a ton of service this week. We went over to Lubia to paint the
inside of her apartment 4 or 5 times this week. we got the boys room
done, and it actually looks pretty dang good if I do say so myself
haha. Then we painted Lubia's room, but we have to put a second coat
on it sometime this week. Painting made up most of our activity for
the week, we spent a ton of time painting. The ward then had a service
project Saturday. We weeded and planted for the local elementary
school. Lucas came and helped out and enjoyed meeting and talking to
the ward members which was great! We actually found a solid new
investigator named Shirley. We got a referral for her, to a massive
apartment complex, everything about the referral seemed like it was
fake, but we decided to give it a try. So we went to the front desk
and asked to visit Shirley, and the person at the front desk called up
to the room and then told us that Shirley "Wasn't feeling well" So we
left unsurprising about the lack of interest, but then as we were
getting to our car the door man from the apartment complex ran out and
told us to come back. We came back and were told that she actually
wanted us to come up and talk with her. So we went and talked with
Shirley and she is super interested in the church. She was raised
Jewish in South Africa, but is not practicing, but she now wants a
religion to join and thought the Mormon church looked very
interesting. SO we taught her the restoration she was super excited to
get a Book of Mormon to read. We told her to read and pray about 3
Nephi 11, because one of her main concerns is she doesn't really
believe that Jesus was the Son of God. She said that she would
definitely come to church in 2 weeks because she is going out of town
the weekends before that. She really loved the Joseph Smith story and
his vision, and felt the spirit very strong when we shared the first
vision with her. Sunday Rod came to church after being out of town all
week! But he had to leave right after sacrament meeting, so we didn't
get to meet with him. Lucas also came to church which was super
exciting. They both really enjoyed it. Sunday morning was super cool
to see Lucas especially because of what we did before church. The
elders before us in this area had put up bunch of origami hearts on
Lucas and Ivette's door with little messages. Ivette jokingly asked us
when we were going to do something for her door a couple of weeks ago,
and we took that challenge to heart. We planned this out for the past
couple weeks, and learned how to make origami stars and everything. So
we sneakily set this all up from 6-8 Sunday morning without even
getting notice. And turned their door into a movie title screen, since
they both love movies. They were absolutely stunned by it, it was
super funny. Transfers are tomorrow, but luckily me and Elder Ching
are staying together here! That is pretty much all of our week. I hope
you all have a great week, I love and miss everybody!
Elder Burnside
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