Wow sounds like fun... not haha. Sounds like you had a lot of work to do. I am glad you enjoyed your 50th birthday. SOOOO OOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDD. For Christmas I need another pair of black pants. And an iPad mini case with a bluetooth keyboard would be nice too :) Thanks for your prayers for Jeannine! She is doing pretty well. We met with her on Friday and read 2 Nephi 33 with her. It was good, we just wanted to help her understand the importance of reading the Book of Mormon everyday which she has been doing very well lately. So thats good, but then on Sunday she wasn't feeling well, so she didn't come to church. But she is still doing well and on pace to be baptized on the 6th of
We were also able to teach Rica again this week. Rica is the woman in her 50s that me and Elder Wiedrich met and she has M.S. When we had previously taught her the restoration she loved the story of Joseph Smith. But she is very difficult to get a hold of. So we taught her the Plan of Salvation and she really liked it and how families could
be together forever and all that kind of thing. It was a really good lesson and she committed to come to church, but then she didn't show up.
We also had a cool experience contacting. WE starting talking to this young guy at a bus stop, he had piercings and tattoos and all that stuff, and he was kind of blowing us off. During our conversation the old guy next to him started answering our questions so the
conversation migrated to the old guy. We began to testify to the old guy about the Book of Mormon, and as we did that the young we started the conversation with slowly become more interested. Until right before we lef the asked us for a card and where our church was. It was really cool to see the Holy ghost change him as we testified to the
guy next tom him, and it shows that the Holy Ghost can testify to anyone.
Although the bad news this week is with JJ our nine year old Tongan investigator who wants to be baptized.His aunt who lives in Utah and has custody said she was ok with him getting baptized, but she is a lesbian. Thanks to the new policy the church just released, JJ now can't get baptized until he is 18. So that was disappointing, and sad.
We will keep teaching him and stuff, and I guess just hope he stays with the church for 9 more years.
Tau came to church on Sunday. Her baby is recoverd from Jaundice which she had pretty badly, and we should be able to finally start teaching her finally either this week or next. So that is exciting, she is so prepared, all we have to do is actually teach her!! Interesting things that happened this week. We talked with a gay porn star on the street. THen at the end of the conversation by natural reaction I stuck my hand out for a handshake, and we shook hands. I kind of felt disgusting afterwords haha. So that was weird. We had some people try to bible bash us. One of which told us that Muslims are more Christian then us because they only believe in one God. To which we responded, "Yeah... but we believe in Jesus Christ..." He was interesting and kind of annoying. We had another guy interrupt one of our conversations, shake our hand and say may Joseph Smith be with you. So we talked to a lot of interesting people on the street this week. It was a pretty good week though besides the JJ situation. I love you guys and hope you have a great week!!!
Elder Burnside
How about adding the November 30 letter as well. We told him about our family vacation to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving including going through the Las Vegas temple.
Glad you all enjoyed your week. Sounds like a good time. Sounds like good food as well, but I guess that is the same thing haha. I am glad you enjoyed the temple. Elder Taylor tells me that the celestial room there is the best. Dang c'mon dad you gotta step up your game and get those lights going lol. Our week was pretty good. Not a ton of
teaching due to people being busy with the holiday weekend. On Tuesday we had Elder Clark of the Seventy come and visit our mission. He spoke in the last general conference, so that was super cool. He talked to us about listening to understand instead of listening to respond. That if we do that and read the Book of Mormon with our investigators we will have more success. He also talked to us about having faith and expecting miracles. He told us a story where the was a rebellious member who ran away from home at 16 and joined a biker gang. He was at his place in southern California when he saw some missionaries across the street. They walked by, but then when they got to the end of the street they stopped turned around and came back. They stopped at his fence for a second when the attack dogs ran at the fence, but after a second the dogs turned around and went to sleep. They then walked in and talked to him, they asked him where he was from and he said Idaho, and it turns out that one of the elders was actually a brother he didn't know about who was born after he ran away. And the elder said he came to that mission to bring him home, so that was a cool story.
We had a lesson with Jeannine on Wednesday. Just figuring stuff out for her baptism, we warned her that Satan was going to try her and tempt her really hard leading up to her baptism, but that us and the ward members were there to help her. That was good. But we got a text from her this morning saying we need to move the baptism to the 13th. But we aren't exactly sure what is going on, so we will figure that out. But thank you for the prayers! They are helping!
Thanksgiving was good. We ate at Bishop Fifita's from the Tongan ward. And then we went to Kampeli's who is also from the Tongan ward. So we ate till we couldn't possibly eat another bite. We had turkey, pig, lamb, crab, potatoes of all sorts, etc. It was super delicious got us very well fed.
We went on exchanges, I went with Elder Saavedra in my area. I like him, he is super cool. We found out we might get a chance to meet Bronco Mendanhall. We stopped by a part member family's house, and their son is one of the top linebacker/quarterback prospects in the country, and Bronco Mendanhall is coming to recruit him this week. So she told us to come by and get pictures with him and stuff, so we are excited for that. other than that not too much going on. Everyone was busy with Thanksgiving. I love you and will talk to you later!!
Elder Burnside
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